Giving Back
Everyone has a choose to help children.
Since the creation of Project Rescue Children some of the projects Adam has supervised for communities include but not limited to:
Kenya - New roof, extension and structure at the PRC rescue and rehabilitation centre, solar panels, fresh water, security fencing and gates, new beds for all the children housed and rehabilitated, security lighting, monthly food and clothing, creation of a child sponsorship program. Created the PRC child trafficking and exploitation village program with local volunteers to help educate and protect local children in rural areas. Areas where kids are high risk of being trafficked, raped, inpregnated or sexual abused.
Built a new school in Kisumu West Kenya in a slum area for kids who live in severe poverty and high risk of sexual abuse, rape and trafficking. Part of this project was to build 2 new safe toilets.
Gambia - New roof and structure at the PRC rescue and rehabilitation centre, new outdoor toilet and shower block, electricity connected to the main county power supply, fresh water bore hole that now supplies fresh and clean water for the first time ever to the rescue centre and all the village community. A decision was made to extend the water pipes inside the centre on the bore water pump to the outside of the centre with two new water tapes so the whole village can enjoy fresh and clean water. PRC child safety workshop included into the Gambian school curriculum educating kids in 1500 schools.
See Project Rescue Children for pictures and videos of the above and more.
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